Stay Ahead with Preventative Care & Annual  Wellness Exams: How to Be Proactive About Your Health 

Fitness woman relaxing sitting on rooftop fence looking away. Cheerful female athlete sitting on rooftop fence with a medicine ball and water bottle beside her.

Your health was front and center as the pandemic swept through the country. This experience has taught people profound lessons about always keeping their health at the forefront, not just during uncertain times. 

Waiting until something goes wrong is not the most proactive approach to health. As primary care physicians, Healthonomic encourages people to be proactive about their health and take measures to stay one step ahead. 

So how is this done?

Let’s look at a few steps everyone can take to take the reins of their health. 

Follow the Cardinal Rules of Good Health 

The effects of chronic disease are real. Millions of Americans every year experience these effects. The fundamental question remains: What can we be doing to stay one step ahead of our health and catch possible problems early?

The two cardinal rules of health are nutrition and exercise. So the fundamental steps to take to be proactive is to keep yourself in check and engage in these two guidelines of good health. By keeping yourself active and eating right, you already reduce the chances of developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and certain kinds of cancers. 

Most people find that by adhering to a few golden rules, they begin to feel better. When they feel better, they are more productive, more active, and happier. This has externalities and positive effects that reach far beyond immediate health. It helps people achieve goals, pursue better opportunities, and even have better relationships with their families. 


Let’s begin with nutrition. Your body needs fuel to function. When your body does not have the proper fuel it might seek refuge in sugar or processed foods. People who have diets high in sugars and processed foods find themselves crashing or experiencing bad moods or headaches. Over time this can have significant impacts on your health, organ function, and other aspects of your health. 

Quick tips for better nutrition: 

  • Stay away from fast food
  • Keep away from processed foods 
  • Add more fruit and vegetables to every meal 
  • Stay hydrated but stay away from sugar drinks


The data doesn’t lie. Remaining physically active is essential for maintaining healthy heart function, better energy levels, improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and even better mental health. According to the study published in the medical journal The Lancet, a study of 1.2 million people found that those who exercise reported having fewer days of poor mental health. 

Annual Wellness Exams with Your Primary Care Physicians

In addition to following the above steps, you can engage your primary care physician on your journey to better health. One way to start is by using the many tools available today to keep an eye on health. The annual wellness exam looks at several markets of health to ensure that things are working well. 

Wellness exams are comprehensives and performed annually by your primary care physician. It is similar to a yearly physical but incorporates much more information and good health metrics. This may also vary by age or specific concerns a person may have about their health. 

Your comprehensive wellness exam consists of: 

  • A deep review of health history
  • Addressing questions, concerns, or doubts you may have
  • Reviewing your height and weight
  • A heart exam
  • A lung exam
  • Eyesight check
  • Overview of lymph nodes
  • Following up on any recent conditions, surgeries, or illnesses 
  • Suspicious moles or skin lesions. 

The Complete Blood Count Panel 

Your blood says a lot about you. The blood is like a secret code that reveals how your body is working, and there is really no better way to take a peek inside the inner workings of your body. Your primary care physician might also recommend a complete blood panel. 

What does it entail?

The complete metabolic panel (CMP) is like an internal snapshot of your organ function. This refers to a long list of labs that measure how things are working inside of you. Getting regular blood work done is a great way to be proactive about your health.  The panel will measure: 

  • Electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and more
  • Measures enzymes produced by the liver (AST and ALT) which tells about your liver health, protein levels 
  • Indicators related to kidney health and function 
  • Measurements of blood sugar, which can test for diabetes 

When results from a blood test are outside of the normal range, a physician may order follow-up tests. With this simple snapshot, your doctor can screen for many different conditions and make note of any irregularities that—with prompt treatment—can prevent complications or illness in the future. 

Ready to Get Proactive About Your Health? We Can Help!

Healthonomic helps people get a hold of their health and stay proactive with preventative care, treatment, and health education. We want to help you grow by better understanding your own health. Start listening to your body and get a wellness check today. 

If you want to take control of your health but don’t know where to start, pay us a visit. Call Healthonomic Primary Care today.